Deborah Wandler, the creator of Bizzarios, is another wonderful artist from Indie Junction. Deborah creates, what can only be described as truly unique folk art. I will let her describe Bizzarios in her own words:
"Bizzarios have been in my head for may years, but until recently they have only been fleeting thoughts. I did make one for my granddaughter when she was born. I was busy living my life and didn't have many opportunities to be creative. Then, I got remarried in 2007 and had to go about combining two households of possessions. The sad part is that something always gets put away and forgotten about because of lack of space. I had a wonderful thought one day. Why not display these precious memories in a picture instead of packing them away in boxes in the attic or garage.
Now Bizzarios are 3D pictures ready to hang, handcrafted with a focal point and adding an array of earth friendly items to compliment it. Beads and seed pods, tiles and jewelry are some of my favorite items to use in each bizzario. Some of the combinations are weird, some are "bizzare" and some are absolutely beautiful. Each Bizzario is different. No two are the same."
So now that Deborah has described her art in her own words, let me add a thought or two. When I first saw these, I was immediately drawn to her work. I love unusual, grass roots artwork. Deborah's work exemplifies both of these things and much, much more. This work is truly her own, inspired by her life and experiences and she can claim full credit for these thought provoking creations.
To see more of this artist's wonderful work visit: